
North Estonia

A day at Mikumardi rural adventure park

Modern adventure parks and games are nothing new. Life in the countryside, however, has been full of adventures from the beginning.
Come and participate in it at Mikumardi.

A day at Mikumardi rural adventure park includes educational and entertaining activities. We will talk about how and which games did children play in the old times and what jobs did the locals have to do.

You will be able to learn about the history of one of Estonia's oldest farms, hand-milk a cow, ride a zipline into a haystack, practise balancing yourself on milk containers and a horse trolley, tend animals, and participate in seasonal farm work (hay mowing, sheep shearing, ploughing, harvesting, etc.).



North Estonia

Opening times

Advanced booking only


Mikumardi, Saunja küla, Kuusalu vald, Harju maakond