Massage the #EstonianWay

with TV host

Jack Stein

Massage the #EstonianWay

  • Massage the #EstonianWay   Source: Andri Peetso, Visit Estonia

Source: Andri Peetso, Visit Estonia

Instead of getting your knots worked out by a masseuse, this massage involves a sauna and a handful of twigs. A whisk is a small bundle of branches used to lightly whip the skin. Whisking stimulates blood flow and soothes muscle aches, along with many other health benefits. British chef Jack Stein may know how to take the heat of a kitchen, but how will he handle the #EstonianWay of massage?


Tallinn Old Town

Restaurant Leib

Kotzebue Bakery & Charcuterie

Baltic Station Market

About Jack

Jack Stein is a chef, author and host of the upcoming television series ‘Inside the Box’. Though he studied psychology at university, he’s made a name for himself in the food world by bringing his favourite global dishes to the British culinary scene and taking over his family's restaurant empire.

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