Carl Abraham Hunniuse Monument

Carl Abraham Hunniuse Monument

Promenaadi tänav, Haapsalu linn, Haapsalu

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On the Promenade make a stop at the monument to Carl Abraham Hunniuse (1797-1851), who established the resort of Haapsalu.

Dr. Hunnius was the first to notice that the local residents used the sea mud to find relief for their ailments and was inspired to start investigating the properties of the mud. At his initiative, the first therapeutic mud baths were established in Haapsalu in 1825.

Interesting fact: Haapsalu was named an Imperial resort, and Russian Tsars Nicholas I, Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II and their families all vacationed here and took the mud baths.

Come and try a Haapsalu therapeutic mud bath in the Hestia and Fra Mare Spa hotels!

Times and prices

Open all year round

24 hours

Features and amenities

  • Wheelchair access

Getting there

You will find the monument on the Promenade, behind the band shell.


  • Signposted
  • On foot only


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He discovered the magic of the Haapsalu mud

Dr.Carl Abraham Hunnius ( 1797-1851 ) paved the road to Haapsalu for those with chronic joint diseases and musculoskeletal problems. He discovered the therapeutic attributes of Haapsalu mud and...



Основатель курортологии

К. Хунниус- основатель курортологии как отрасли, методолог грязелечения. Благодаря ему Хаапсалу, в бытность Гапсаль, и стал императорским курортом, престижным местом отдыха русской знати.




это прекрасный образчик монументального искусства хаапсальских мастеров. он основал грязелечебницу и первым проник в целебные свойства местной грязи

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