168 - Bicycle route around Märjamaa

168 - Bicycle route around Märjamaa

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Märjamaa - Haimre - Rassiotsa peat field - Orgita - Märjamaa (33 km)

Märjamaa borough, the centre of Märjamaa municipality in Rapla County, is a key location on this route. It is a good place to start your trip, but it also has the most to sights to see – the 14th century Gothic fortress church, memorial and the main street of the town. The Niidiaia oak grove with its 350-year-old oaks and Haimre manor park with many ponds are on this route.

The trail also leads through peat fieldsand over the old railway dam, and along the Orgita Manor Park and dolomite quarries along the Tallinn-Pärnu highway.

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