

A picturesque bicycle tour of Kadriorg in Tallinn

Who are Estonians and what is their story?
We will look for answers to these questions in the historical Kadriorg and the enchanting Song Festival Grounds.

Kadriorg tells a tale of past centuries, taking us back to a time when dresses where huge and gentlemen wore pink. We will move on, getting a feel of the echo of the national awakening on the Song Festival stage. Reaching modern times, we will explore how the two World Wars have shaped the memories of our predecessors. Lastly, we will enjoy a relaxing bike ride with the endless open sea to our right and the skyline of Tallinn straight ahead.

The duration is 3 hours; a bicycle and the services of a guide are included in the price.


Opening times

An advanced bookings only


A. Weizenbergi tn 10, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond