

Bohemian Kalamaja & Seaplane Harbor Museum Tour

Tour the stunning coast of north Tallinn through streets of bohemian Kalamaja area. Our seaside stroll will show us the legendary Patarei Prison, a former Peter the Great sea-fortress. We´ll step off the path by the region's largest sea center at the Seaplane Harbor Museum. The concrete dome hangars, housing a naval museum. This is an extraordinary experience for the whole family.

We´ll continue in the old Telliskivi factory area, a present day Mecca of alternative designer´s shops and lovely cafés. A delicious coffee break is the ideal way to stretch your legs and end the tour.

Tour lasts 3,5 h.



Opening times

An advanced bookings only


Vesilennuki tn 6, Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond