
South Estonia

Educational game ‘An entrepreneurial citizen’ by Ettevõtlusküla

An educational role-playing game for youngsters and adults that teaches about entrepreneurship, business, and money.

An entrepreneurial citizen is a person who offers some kind of value to the society – something that makes life better. Entrepreneurship is one of the ways to offer value. The players’ task is to grow the value of their business, which can be measured in customer and employee satisfaction and, of course, in money.

Five trained instructors guide the players. Players are given tablet computers which contain the Internet Bank and situation cards that alter the course of the game.

Group size: 20–30 people
Age: starting 12 years
Duration: 150 minutes
Game is also in english.


South Estonia

Opening times

An advanced bookings only


Narva mnt 3, Tartu linn, Tartu linn, Tartu maakond