
South Estonia

Estonian-Latvian joint cultural heritage trail

Completed in autumn 2010, this 60 km long cycling track and walking trail showcases cultural sites along the banks of the Koiva River, which runs along the border of Estonia and Latvia in Valga County - formerly part of Livonia. It begins at the Tellingumäe car park and has a recreational area and information boards with maps at the point it crosses the border between the two countries. Signs along the way will keep you from getting lost, even when exploring sites off the main track. The information boards provide information in Estonian, Latvian and English. The same car park is also the starting point for another, 18 km long cycling track.

South Estonia

Opening times

1. april - 1. nov

Round the clock


Koiva-Mustjõe maastikukaitseala 21, Tsirgumäe küla, Valga vald, Valga maakond