

Freedom Square in Tallinn and the monument to the War of Independence

The representative square of Tallinn – Freedom Square is a popular meeting place designed for pedestrians. The monument to the War of Independence is also located there.

Over the years, the square has gone by many names: Heinaturg (Hay Market), Peetri Plats (Peter’s Square), and Võiduväljak (Victory Square) among them. It was first named Freedom Square in 1939, remaining so way until 1948. The name was readopted in 1989.

The defensive structures found at archaeological excavations have been preserved and stored in the parking lot under the square. The remains of the guard gates of the defence tower can be seen at the end of Harju Street through a glass screen.



Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Vabaduse väljak 1a, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond