
South Estonia

Guided tour in the Liiv Museum

At the Liiv Museum, visitors can experience the environment that 19th-century Estonian peasants lived in. The guided tour gives an overview of the three cultures characteristic of the region. Two main elements are combined - the life of an Estonian peasant and the life and work of Juhan Liiv in the context of Estonian culture.
The main farm buildings, objects, and their functions are all introduced.

In seeing the life of the peasants, it becomes clear under what conditions Juhan Liiv grew up. Studying the life of the writer and poet gives the visitors ideas about very different parts of his life.

It is possible to vary the topics based on the interests of the group visiting.


South Estonia

Opening times

1. jan - 31. dec

An advanced bookings only


Liivi muuseum, Rupsi küla, Peipsiääre vald, Tartu maakond