
South Estonia

Heino Lubja Museum of Scales

A museum unique in Estonia is located on the main street of Mustvee, founded by Heino Lubi who worked as a scales maker for more than 30 years. The collection includes over 120 various scales, about 50 steelyards, a great number of metal and ceramic weights and other things related to scales.

In addition to scales made in Estonia, Heino Lubi's collection also features scales made in the Soviet Union and Poland. The museum also displays several contemporary scales which help to understand the history of scales.

Guided tours must be pre-booked!


South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Tue-Fri 10:00 - 15:00


Tartu tn 12, Mustvee linn, Mustvee vald, Jõgeva maakond