
West Estonia

Kudjape Graveyard

Established in 1780 town graveyard together with chapels in classicistic style is under protection as architectural memory. Among the chapels the most beautiful are built in 1848 into main gates of the graveyard rooms with colonnade facade in the shape of little Greek temple. Graveyard itself is like a museum of sculpture and hammered art. Here we can see plenty of crypt graves covered with heavy stone plates and tasteful masterfully fine-tuned classicistic grave monuments that often have the shape of urn or vase all dating into first half of the 19th century.
Interesting to know: In the graveyard there are the graves of four outstanding persons.

West Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Kalmistu tee 3, Kudjape alevik, Saaremaa vald, Saare maakond