
West Estonia

Kuivastujaani Tourist Farm

Kuivastujaani is a wonderful place for a holiday and for having a great time. We are located 1 km from Kuivastu harbour and one of the first accommodation providers on the island of Muhu when coming from the mainland. During summer, we are an excellent place to stay for the tourists in the Kuivastu small vessel harbour.

Our farm complex can offer several buildings for accommodation, such as the main house with a sauna, a family cottage and 3 cabins. We also have wonderful camping opportunities. In the farmyard, there are several barbecue areas and you can also enjoy a sauna session in the sauna, a summer sauna or a bathing barrel.


West Estonia

Opening times

1. oct - 30. april

An advanced bookings only

1. may - 30. sept

Round the clock


Jaani, Kuivastu küla, Muhu vald, Saare maakond