
West Estonia

Laugu Tourist Farm

Located in the village of Laugu in Leisi municipality on the island of Saaremaa, Laugu Tourist Farm's farmhouse was built in 1926 on the site of the former farmhouse. It has been open to visitors in its fully renovated glory since 2010. The farm is the perfect place to relax in the midst of history and admire the handiwork of generations gone by. The farmhouse has all of the mod cons, as well as a traditional island sauna and smoke sauna. If you are interested in accommodation on Saaremaa, Laugu Tourist Farm is your number one choice!
Did you know...? - You can also book fishing, berry-picking and mushroom-picking excursions and exciting outdoor games and activities

West Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Tammiku, Laugu küla, Saaremaa vald, Saare maakond