
South Estonia

Luunja Rose Garden

Luunja Rose Garden is a beautiful, unique, and popular concert venue with a stunning view by the Emajõgi River. It has a long history and a total of 58 rose varieties grow there.


To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, a new rose variety called Luunja by Estonian rose breeder Mart Ojasalu was planted in the rose garden. It is dedicated to locals and all Estonians.
It is a unique variety, the aim of which is to give the people of Luunja municipality, above all, a sense of togetherness and to leave future generations with an admirable rose garden.


South Estonia

Opening times

20. may - 30. sept

Round the clock


Puiestee tn 14, Luunja alevik, Luunja vald, Tartu maakond