
West Estonia

Manni B&B

This unique house is in the immediate vicinity of the centre of Kuressaare, only a couple of minutes from the bus station. The ground floor has an open plan kitchen and living room, a lounge with a shower and a jacuzzi, a sauna, a lavatory and a summer room with a separate entrance in nautical style.

The first floor has 3 double bedrooms – the Sunset Room, White Cat Room and Small Blue Room. Additionally, the living room on the first floor has a 3D TV and a large balcony. There is a sitting area outside on the porch, a garden swing and a small pergola for those who like waterpipes; there is also a barbecue area.


West Estonia

Opening times

An advanced bookings only


Koidu tn 54, Kuressaare linn, Saaremaa vald, Saare maakond