
West Estonia

Martna Church

St. Martin’ Church – exceptionally wide for a single-nave church – was built in the beginning of the 16th century. Pay attention to the shield of Saare-Lääne bishop Johannes III Orgas above the north portal of the church. The oldest thing inside the church is a Gotland-style baptising stone. Also valuable are the altar wall and Empire style pulpit. The church’s collection of 17th-18th century epitaph coat of arms is third in size after Tallinn Dome Church and Niguliste Church.
Interesting facts: In 2004 medieval murals were discovered in the altar room of the church. These are considered one of the biggest historical discoveries in Estonia.

West Estonia

Opening times

1. sept - 31. may

An advanced bookings only

1. june - 31. aug

Sat-Sun 13:00 - 14:00


Kiriku, Martna küla, Lääne-Nigula vald, Lääne maakond