

Örreke workshops. What is inside a soap?

People used to make soap on their own in our farms. The skill of soap-making was a thing of honour and each farm had a separate soap.

Participants in the soap-making workshops at Örreke studio can make colourful soaps of various shapes from medicinal plants or flowers growing in Estonia. We will wrap the soaps in beautiful packages, making them great gifts to take home.

The workshop is suitable and exciting for participants of all ages. It lasts for 45 minutes and the price starts from 15 euros per parcipant; we offer discounts for children. The price per participant also depends on the size of the group; the minimum number of people in a group is 6.



Opening times

An advanced bookings only


Kuninga tn 1, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond