
North Estonia

Recreation areas of Äntu lake district

There are seven transparent lakes near Väike-Maarja, called the Äntu Lakes. The largest of the Äntu lakes are Valgejärv (White Lake), Roheline (Green) or Vahejärv (Middle Lake), and Sinijärv (Blue Lake). The latter two are unique thanks to their bluish-green colour and clear waters. The bottom of the lakes is covered with light-coloured lime which, together with the surrounding nature, gives the water its beautiful hue.

Somewhere in the distance, there are the remaining Äntu lakes: Linaleo, Mäetaguse, Kaanjärv, and Umbjärv, which are small forest lakes with unstable banks surrounded by the boggy landscape containing a number of hiking trails.

Good to know: Valgejärv Lake is also a swimming spot in the summer.


North Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Prillapatsi, Äntu küla, Väike-Maarja vald, Lääne-Viru maakond