
South Estonia

Ritsiku church in Mõniste

Of the Orthodox churches in Võru County, Ritsiku church in Mõniste is the second oldest (dating back to 1855). The oldest is St Catherine's Church in Võru itself.

The church in Ritsiku was consecrated in the name of the prophet John the Baptist. Its name day is celebrated by the congregation every year on 24 June.

The congregation was established in 1837. The church was constructed from timber and has a tin roof. It was originally known as Mõniste church, since it was located on the lands of the Mõniste estate. But since it was not in Mõniste itself, it was renamed Ritsiku church in Mõniste.

The sacristan and parson did a lot of work in educating the local community. Until 1931 the congregation had its own parish school and three smaller schools.


South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Ritsiku tn 19, Varstu alevik, Rõuge vald, Võru maakond