
South Estonia

RMK Jõemõisa hiking trail

RMK Jõemõisa hiking trail is located in the RMK Tartu-Jõgeda Recreation Area. The hiking trail starts from the Jõemõisa campfire site and runs for 0.5 km. The trail takes you through the forest and is suitable for a nice walk. When walking the trail you can see different species of trees and plants, and if you are lucky, you can also spot a wild animal or bird, especially if you walk quietly and take your time.

If you wish, you can continue on to the 3-kilometre Tammeluha hiking trail. Jõemõisa campfire site has a sitting area and grill rack, if you want to have a rest and enjoy a picnic.

Choose your footwear according to the season because the trail is natural and can be muddy when it rains.


South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Halliku metskond 25, Pedassaare küla, Mustvee vald, Jõgeva maakond