

Solidarity Stone & Chopin Bench

The memorial stone designed by sculptor Aime Kuulbusch and the bench were gifts to the City of Tallinn from the Embassy of the Republic of Poland.

The Solidarity Stone is dedicated to the Polish national movement Solidarność, which played an enormous role in the collapse of the communicst regime.

The Chopin Bench, which was unveiled on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous composer and pianist, plays music from Chopin's only concertos for piano and orchestra: the opening of the larghetto from Concerto no. 1 in E-minor op. 11, as well as the larghetto from Concerto no. 2 in F-minor op. 21.



Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Vabaduse väljak 1a, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond