Statue of Oskar Luts

Statue of Oskar Luts

Vabaduse puiestee, Tartu linn, Tartu

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The monument to Oskar Luts was erected in 1987. The authors of the monument were A. Rimm and A. Murdmaa.
Oskar Luts (1887–1953) was an Estonian writer. His best known and loved novel is Kevade (Spring), a lyrical and humorous tale based on school memories. He has also written plays, children’s stories, memoirs, and feuilletons. The writer's house museum is located at 38 Riia Street in Tartu. There, he lived for the last 17 years of his life. Oskar Luts was buried in the St Paul’s Cemetery in Tartu.

Times and prices

Open all year round

24 hours

Features and amenities

  • Wheelchair access

Getting there

The sculpture is located in a park near River Emajõe, behind theTartu Public Library.


  • Signposted
  • By excursion bus
  • By public transport
  • By car

Stops nearby

Bus: Vabaduse puiestee, Raeplats


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TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

George A

George A


Just a small statue by the river of Tartu, at a small park, the Oskar Luts monument which was erected in 1987

Erling G

Erling G

Fin staty nere vid Emajögifloden !

Oskar Luts - en av landets mest populära författare, vars verk har filmatiserats ! "Kevad" ( vår) "Suvi" (sommar) och ytterligare två rikskända verk av denne så välkända författare. Statyn står...




Oskar Luts (1887–1953) はテンポの良いユーモアに満ちた小説を書く作家として知られているそうで、晩年をタルトゥで過ごしたそうです。像もユニークです。

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