
South Estonia

Vaksali bridge and tunnels

Do you know where photographers interested in architecture can take photos worthy of Instagram in Tartu?

One of the most popular photography places in Tartu is the beautiful streamlined tunnels with cosy lighting built next to the Riga–Vaksali railway viaduct and the Vaksali bridge.

The concrete frames of the pedestrian tunnels were pushed through the embankment of the railway dam – such a complex tunnelling technology was used for the first time in Estonia when renovating the intersection.

Come take your best picture and share it on Instagram with the captions #vaksalisild, #visittartu, and #puhkaeestis!


South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Riia tänav T28, Tartu linn, Tartu linn, Tartu maakond