
South Estonia

Weaving Chipwood Baskets in the Avinurme Wooden Handicrafts Center

Weaving a chipwood basket is the most popular attraction in the wooden handicraft centre and if there's a place in Estonia where this craft is known, it's Avinurme. Everyone can learn the basics of weaving a basket in the workshop with the help of an instructor: you pick out chipwood, weave a berry basket from the chips and finally apply a finish. All the participants will be given the necessary tools for weaving a basket and at the end of the workshop you have your own basket.

We have seen the most genuine joy over something made with your own hands in the basket weaving workshop.


South Estonia

Opening times

An advanced bookings only


Võidu tn 3, Avinurme alevik, Mustvee vald, Jõgeva maakond