

Vienas dienas brauciens ar kanoe laivām vai smailītēm pa Ahjas upi

Whether it's your birthday, your company's summer retreat or an outing with friends, a trip on a river is unforgettable. We organize these trips all over Estonia.

Canoeing/kayaking trips on Ahja River – this Põlva County river is the best known and the most beautiful river for such trips in Estonia. Routes are suitable for both beginners as well as experienced paddlers. Taevaskoja, caves and white water – such beautiful scenery satisfies even the most demanding of canoeists.

Duration of the trip: Koorvere-Kiidjärve – 3 hours (11 km). Kiidjärve-Saesaare – 1.5-2 hours.

Price: a canoe trip is €16 per person and a kayak trip is €20 per person.

Price for children between the ages of 8-16: €12 per person.

The minimum size of a group is 10 people.

Small groups can join scheduled trips.




Darba laiki

1. march - 30. nov

Tikai iepriekš rezervējot


1804 Koorvere tee, Koorvere küla, Põlva vald, Põlva maakond