
265 - Otepää-Kääriku mountain bike trail

Otepää Ski Stadium (0 km) – Otepää Nature Centre (3 km) – Pühajärve (4.5 km) – Madsa (10 km) – Kääriku (14.5 km)

A nice pathway leads from Otepää to Kääriku, but this route offers something a little extra for mountain bikers who are looking for a change from the paved roads. The first section of the route on the shores of Lake Pühajärv to the Otepää-Kääriku road is now paved as a bicycle path, but after crossing the road, the route runs on hilly terrain on forest roads, where it may not be so easy to find your way. Ride through the Madsa sports base, next to Lake Tornijärv, and you will reach Kääriku.

Features and amenities