Country 2.0 the #EstonianWay

with startupper

Satoshi Miyagawa

Country 2.0 the #EstonianWay

  • Country 2.0 the #EstonianWay   Source: Ott-Erik Eendra, Visit Estonia

Source: Ott-Erik Eendra, Visit Estonia

Life in Estonia can be rustic and ultra-modern all at the same time. Satoshi Miyagawa, a technology and education promoter from Japan, came to establish e-Residency and learn about Estonia’s digital revolution but along the way, he ended up on a giant island making ‘wasabi’ the #EstonianWay from a wild, local plant.

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First I heard a story about the e-residency, I was shocked, because you can be a resident and you can create your own company by online.

Satoshi Miyagawa

Japanese startupper

Day one

Satoshi reached Estonia’s largest island Saaremaa and met up with his friend and tech entrepreneur Sten Tamkivi at his family farm. For dinner, they prepared a zesty condiment from local karulauk (fresh wild garlic).

Saaremaa island

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Day two

Satoshi spent the day leading the peaceful, island life on Saaremaa while also setting up his own company using his e-Residency ID card.


Education in Estonia

It's like the Italian pesto made out of basil, but instead of basil you use this.

Satoshi Miyagawa

Japanese startupper

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